Exceptional 357 Offering Free CBD Products

Exceptional 357 is offering Free CBD products during this difficult time.

CBD is believed to help with anxiety, stress, and sleep issues.

We are not able to offer protective clothing or mask, but we are willing to contribute to help during the epidemic.

We are providing ex357 CBD sublingual drops for free, hoping to help ease their tension through this difficult time.

You can get a 5ml Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Extract CBD tincture for free at www.ex357.com.

There are two options available –
450mg CBD using Hemp oil base
333mg CBD using MCT oil base (Fractured Coconut)

Discount Code: try357cbd  (limited to 100 customers)

As an additional bonus, ex357 will include a 30% discount code to be used on your next purchase of any 30ml CBD tincture product.
(Promotional value is $39.98 which is applied directly off your order of any 5ml Full Spectrum Oil Extract CBD tincture. If you choose to order additional quantity, the full price will be applied to quantities that are in excess of 2 tinctures that are being offered in this promotion. The customer is responsible for shipping and handling. Limited to 2 – 5ml tincture per person.) (AD Content)


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